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PA Lions State Convention – Service Edition District


14-E Care-A-Van

The District 14-E Care-A-Van made the trip to this year’s State Convention in Indiana, PA. I had the opportunity to use the van to transport International President Brian Sheehan and his wife Lori along with other members of the PA International Family (the past International Directors and their spouses from PA) to Camp Orenda in Indiana for a tour of the camp and the grounds. The Care-A-Van committee voted to help our neighboring District, District 14-J provide this transportation during the weekend. 


Camp Orenda

So you’ve probably heard about Beacon Lodge but do you know that there is a very similar camp just one County to our East? Camp Orenda is a residential summer health camp for persons with disabilities. Accommodating 25-30 individuals with disabilities for each of its sessions, Camp Orenda offers a fun-filled week that challenges it's campers physically, emotionally and socially. It's a home away from home and a time that is treasured and anticipated throughout the year. If your Club is looking to donate to a group of need consider Camp Orenda and the Lions Health Camp Foundation.


PA State and District Displays

District 14-E Lions manned booths at this year’s MD 14 State Convention. Lion Amanda Remic is our MD 14 PA State Coordinator for Leader Dogs for the Blind. She had a booth set up along with Lion Beth Slade from Leader Dog. The District also had a table talking to present some of the projects that we do throughout District 14-E. Lions Lunchables backpack program as well as the Care-A-Van were displayed. In recent years the Care-A-Van has grown to include a Lions Kidsight program with the purchase of two Spot Vision Screeners. These screeners can be used to detect vision issues on children as young as 6 months old. The detection of these issues can then be followed up with and often corrected.


International President Brian Sheehan Awards Service to a District Lion  

Leadership Medal Recipient, Lion Dave Long At the International Banquet, President Brian Sheehan recognized Lions from across the state for their Service as Lions. The members of District 14-E that were present were proud of our Fellow Lion, Lion Dave Long of the Youngwood Lions Club, for him being named a Leadership Medal recipient. Lion Amanda and I had a front row seat at the banquet to see Lion Dave pinned with this honor. Congratulation Dave!! Rumor has it that Lion Dave was seen a few days later wearing his pin while sitting on his porch at home. That’s someone who is proud to be a Lion and someone who makes me proud to be a Lion to Serve with him.


The State Convention allows us time to visit with Lions from all over MD 14 but also allows us to grow closer with Lions from our District. It was great seeing everyone and spending time at meals with fellow Lions. Amanda and I enjoyed a dinner in Indiana with Lion Beth Slade from Leader Dog, Lions Wendy and Charlie McGrew, and Lions Kim and Bob Mesher. Lion Kim, if you read this, please cut it up in pieces and give it PDG Bob and tell him it’s a puzzle. Maybe he will read the newsletter that way.


The State Convention marks the time of year when the accomplishments of the past are celebrated as we prepare for the incoming Lions Year. With this article I write my last words as the District’s Global Service Team Chairperson – a role that I have Served for the last four years. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with and represent the Lions of District 14-E in this role. Service is what we do as Lions and feel it is the most important part of being a Lion. Its right in our motto – We Serve. I’d like to congratulate DG Tony Catullo and thank him for his year of Service to our District.


Next year our DG Elect Amy Thompkins has asked me to Serve as our District’s Global Membership Team Chairperson. Membership – it’s the most important part of being a Lion. Without member we cannot Serve (see how we adapt as Lions?) I look forward to working with you to grow our Lions Clubs to find new Leaders and implement new Service.


On a final note, I take my last lines as GST to talk about a fellow Lion who Served beside me but now Serves from above. Slickville Lions Club Member Chuck Stickel passed away this past month. He was our longest Serving Club Officer, Serving as our Club Treasurer since before I joined the Club and possibly clear back to our Club’s recharter in 1998. As a treasurer, his work was often behind the scenes making deposits, paying our dues, and completing our taxes. He was proud to be a Lion and his commitment to the Club, his Service, and his friendship will be missed.


Yours in Service,

PDG Lance H. Remic

Global Service Team Chairperson, District 14-E




PDG Lance Remic

GST Chairperson

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