Feb. 2023
As Valentine’s Day approaches, I always get a knot in my stomach. The pressure of asking a girl to be my Valentine always made me nervous about her answer. Most of the time the answer was “why not ?”. Surprisingly, those relationships would never work out for the better. Sometimes you got a “yes” and those relationships work, and they could turn into something good or marriage. This simple question started the relationship but respect, working together, praise, and good communication will make that relationship last.
The same goes by asking a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance to become a Lion. The fear of rejection is always there. In the back of your mind is that you want to share your excitement and commitment to service with them. We have to work on the “why nots” to make them happy and feel needed. These new members don’t seem to last long or last until something else better comes along. We can’t feel defeated and have to understand that joining the lions might not be what they are missing in their lives.
The ”yes” gives us the confidence and assurance that the new member wants to be there and contribute to the club. These new members need to feel needed and appreciated. Is your club providing this to your members both new and older. We like to feel needed and recognized when we do a good job. Do you personally provide this encouragement?
Please welcome our new members from Oct 2022 to Jan 2023
Brad Hayes – Sponsor Hilary Schramm – Bushy Run
Joseph Sullivan – Sponsor Clifford Good – Bushy Run
Gary Snyder – Sponsor Larry Harrison – Level Green
Nancy Johnson – Sponsor Maribeth Colbaugh – Level Green
Michel Nafash – Sponsor Farid Nafash – Lower Burrell City
Dawn Tauber – Sponsor Joseph Tauber – Manor
Valarie Weible – Sponsor Gloria Hayes – Monessen
Barbara Weible – Sponsor Gloria Hayes – Monessen
Greg Lender – New Alexandria
Tim Vastell – New Alexandria
Philip Ameris Sr. – Sponsor George Hubbard – New Kensington
Susan Catullo – Sponsor DG Tony Catullo – Rostraver Township
Stephania Swinney – Sponsor George Yakubisin – Youngwood
Thank you,
PDG Charlie McGrew
14-E GMT (Global Membership Team)

PDG Charlie McGrew
GMT Coordinator