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​Hello Fellow Lions,


Where does the time go? It’s June already. I know that our Lions Year is almost ready to end, but as Lions we all have to continue to look for new ideas for our clubs and members. Without the motivation we are going to stay idle and fade away.


I would like you ALL to try something new and just ask ONE person to come help out with a service project and chat about why you became a Lion. Step out of the box and shine. Look at all the possibilities that you might miss out on. I would like to thank all of the Lions that attended the State Convention at IUP at the Kovalchick Center. It was heartwarming to see a nice showing from District 14-E.


I hope that you all learned, had fun and met someone new. I would like to ask Lions that attended to please share your stories with other Lions. Let’s see if we could get more participation from the District for the next big event. Meeting the International President was a blast! He is a Lion at heart and very motivated in getting you involved to share the joys in becoming a Lion. I hope you all have a nice summer and enjoy the nice weather. I also would like you to get ready for our new District Governor Amy. She is busy getting ready for the new Lions year and is looking forward to coming to your clubs, events and to spread her words of wisdom and encouragement.


Again, have a fun summer and I will see you all soon!


Yours in Lionism,


PDG Chuck Thompkins


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PDG Chuck Thompkins

GLT Team Coordinator

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